Posts by lmcneil
Integrating Technology with Intentional Actions
Integrating Technology with Intentional Actions We live in an exciting time, where virtually anything we want, need, or can use is available at our fingertips. Need food…. Check. Need supplies for around the house…. Check. Want to start a business in your pajamas and never get dressed…. Check. Want to mindlessly scroll the internet for…
Read MoreBalance
Balance So much of life seems to ‘lie in the balance’ of something or someone. Considering that we are busier than ever these days, balancing everything we do has never been more critical. One part of our lives that seem to be the most out of balance (and I am quite guilty of this) is…
Read MoreRevenge or Justice – Deconstructing Anger
Revenge or Justice – Deconstructing Anger Inherently, we all desire revenge over justice, although outwardly we will say we want justice. There are thousands of stories of people who embody this worldwide anger – a passion for revenge. It is based upon ‘getting even’ rather than getting over or getting through issues. People are mad.…
Read MoreFace The Sun
Face The Sun Have you ever positioned your body to face the sun, closing your eyes and allowing its warmth to cover your entire being? If not, and the sun is out… go do it now for three minutes. Welcome back. How did that feel? Refreshing. Rejuvenating. Restful. Peaceful. When we face towards the sun…
Read MoreYou Deserve it All… Now How do You Get There?
You Deserve it All…Now How do You Get There? If you have been around the business world for any amount of time, you have probably heard the name Zig Ziglar. He has come to be known to some as the granddaddy of sales persuasion. Like him or not, one of his best quotes goes something…
Read MoreYou Get What You Give… Or What They See
You Get What You Give… Or What They See Generosity comes in many shapes and sizes. Often how generous we are, in another person’s eyes may not be a true reflection of our generosity. One real question around generosity rests in asking how important is it that other people “see” your generosity. Let’s explore this.…
Read MorePatience Really is a Virtue
Patience Really is a Virtue Growing up I remember hearing from my parents and teachers that patience was a virtue. As a teacher myself and a parent, I’m certain I’ve uttered those words. The bottom-line fact is that the phrase holds truth. Patience IS a virtue. But, what does virtue mean? A virtue is something…
Read MoreSolve…Don’t Sell
Solve…Don’t Sell I have a lot of people ask me about how I get clients. They ask about sales techniques, strategies, templates, insights about how I “sell” them my programs or my products. It’s easy. Solve Their Problem It’s that simple. Boom. Blog done. Well, since there are still people asking about the ‘how’ of…
Read MoreHire Intentionally
Hire Intentionally Whether you are a business of one or 1,000, you will need to hire someone at some point. It is obvious that if your business model requires employees you will hire. Where most entrepreneurs go amiss is believing that they have no need to hire anyone. Everybody needs a team. No one can…
Read MoreAttack your Bucket List
Attack your Bucket List As far as awareness goes, we have only this one conscious physical life to live. So, why not live it? No one wants to be on their death bed with regrets. Regret is a heavy emotion and it paralyzes people. Regret can create division, distance, and depression. I have fully seen…
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