How to Use PR and Content Marketing to Build Your Brand and Get More Clients

Photo credit: @rupixen on Unsplash The Internet has created incredible channels for businesses and entrepreneurs to speak with potential customers and build a large following. There are now more than 5.16 billion daily Internet users, according to Statista. And that number will continue to grow, creating an opportunity to get more clients and build a…

These No-Cost PR and Marketing Strategies Lead to Millions of Extra Dollars for Entrepreneurs and Businesses

Photo credit: @hostreviews on Unsplash You can have the best products and services in your industry. You can have a fantastic website. You can have the experience and knowledge that your customers need. You can have all the elements necessary to grow a business, but it will only happen with good marketing and PR utilized.…

Build a Successful Business By First Expanding Your Belief of What’s Possible When You Put in the Work

Photo credit: ​​@joshuaearle on Unsplash As you’re reading this, there are customers worldwide buying products and services, joining programs, and hiring entrepreneurs. Internet access, social media, software, and new ways of reaching customers have created an exciting opportunity for hungry entrepreneurs. I don’t know how business is going for you. You may be experiencing one…

Overcoming the Business Blues

Overcoming the Business Blues Starting and running a business can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be incredibly challenging. Business owners often experience a wide range of emotions, from excitement and optimism to anxiety and depression. The “business blues” can be caused by a variety of factors, including financial stress, lack of support, and…

5 Steps to Gaining Control Back

5 Steps to Gaining Control Back “Help, My Business Is Out Of Control” As a coach I cannot tell you how many times I have had conversations start like this. People striving to grow a business, stressed from not obtaining the results they were hoping for, worried if they can provide for their families. The…

8 Paths Towards Creating Consistent Improvements

8 Paths Towards Creating Consistent Improvements We talk a lot about continuous improvement inside of business. Whether that improvement involves peoples, processes, or procedures, one thing is certain, being stagnant will only get you so far. We must focus on continually improving. Not improvement for improvements sake, but improvement for everyone’s sake. When we continually…

Avoidance…. And How to Avoid It

Avoidance…. And How to Avoid It For many, life’s challenges present themselves with additional clauses… typically an avoidance clause. It’s not really a ‘clause” more like an excuse. A justification. A reason. Ultimately, what is happening is we create avoidance measures. Oftentimes challenges do not show up with an easy answer. Or the answer is…

The Supreme Climb

The Supreme Climb Character determines how we interpret anything in our life. No matter personal, professional, or spiritual; how we view our what is how others see our character. Foundation. We are talking truly about where our foundations lie. Whatever it is that guides you and me, whatever that element or entity is will be…

What Determines Your Success Lies Within Your Message

What Determines Your Success Lies Within Your Message If you’ve been in business for any length of time, especially as an entrepreneur, you know that mindset is everything. Some may disagree, however what you believe about yourself, your skills, your abilities, and your desires will tell you everything about the strength of your business. Well,…